Sunday, November 6, 2011


"People wait, some because they are looking for the perfect moment, but do perfect moments exist?"

A New Film by Ten Days Productions. 11.11.11

My friends and I started this new film production and we're releasing a short it this Friday yay! Sembreak Project 2k11.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bottled up feelings

Cheer up, child. It'll turn out all right in the end. You'll see. –Mrs.Pott (Beauty and the Beast) 

The quote isn't really related or idk. It's from Mrs. Pott though. Mrs. Pott!! (woah Andi what's her connection with Coke? or a bottle? idk man. idk.)
So this is what happened when Andi saw a bottle of Coke as her inspiration. Yep. I like epiphanies.
I need to practice lighting techniques. I'll get there. Sembreak 2k11 is great so far. I've done 6 out of 9 goals. Woopeedoo! Life's good. Life's great.

*I am not endorsing Coke or s/t. Ehehe.